At St Augustine’s we recognise that every child is different. Assessments are aimed at not only providing data on a student’s progress but also on enabling teachers to provide timely and beneficial feedback to students on the growth in their learning and to facilitate planning that focuses on a more personalised approach to individual student needs.
Various types of assessments are understaken throughout the year including:
Reporting is the process by which assessment information is communicated in ways that assist students, parents, teachers and the system about what students know and can do, along with recommendations for their future learning.
Reporting to parents occurs as follows:-
Term 1 – Parent-Teacher Meeting
Term 2 – End of Term Mid-Year Report
Term 3 – Parent-Teacher Meeting
Term 4 – End of Year Report
Parent Support Group meetings (PSG) are also provided for funded students who have a Personal Learning Plan (PLP) in place to support their learning under the NCCD.
Parents are also able to request informal meetings with teaching staff as required.
NAPLAN (National Assessment Program – Literacy and Numeracy) assesses all students in Years 3 and 5 each year using common tests in reading, writing and language conventions (spelling, grammar and punctuation) and numeracy.
An Annual Report to the school community is presented at the Annual General Meeting of the School Parent Advisory Board and published on the School Website and MySchool Website.