Our School Puppy Ziggy - Her story so far!!!Term 1 Week 3 2023This week we welcomed onsite our new resident puppy Ziggy Frances Augustine! Ziggy is a cavoodle and is being trained to be a wellbeing dog as part of the Dogs Connect Program. Having a school wellbeing dog can help with attendance, behaviour, social connection and emotional regulation.The students have been learning 3 expectations to follow whilst Ziggy is around.1) Say hello to the person (not Ziggy - we do not say the 'Z' word!)2) Give lots of space when we pass Ziggy3) We keep moving - dont stop and stareThe students loved seeing Ziggy in and out of the classrooms and the joy and excitement in the school was buzzing!When Ziggy is not being trained at school, she lives with our school Principal Mrs Rodda. Stay tuned for more Ziggy updates!https://dogsconnect.net.au/Term 1 Week 5 2023Ziggy was back again at school. She spent a lot of time exploring the yard and making sure that all of the students were feeling happy and safe! Ziggy is such a cute addition to our school and we are glad that she is part of our wonderful community!Term 1 Week 7/8 2023Ziggy has settled into her school routine and has been at school this week twice. Ziggy was lucky enough to have a sleep over at her secondary carers house and was lucky enough to enjoy the company of the Bolton boys! Mrs Belinda Taylor, also took Ziggy to her first grooming appointment! Ziggy has loved her interactions with the students and certainly has earnt her rest at the end of each of her school days.Term 2 Week 1 2023Ziggy has grown over the holidays! Mrs Rodda took her to the vet and she had her needles and met another cavoodle friend!Ziggy came to school and was well looked after by the St A's community! We are so lucky to have Ziggy helping the students to help them feel great!Term 2 Week 3 2023Ziggy has had a busy week. She has spent alot of her time in the classrooms supporting the students and has spent alot of time in the yard, training as part of the Dogs Connect program. She was even read to, by one of our Prep students!Term 2 Week 5 2023Ziggy has loved spending time with lots of different students. It is evident too see the impact that Ziggy has had on our community and how she has made such a difference to the wellbeing and happiness of the St A's students!Term 2 Week 6 2023Ziggy went back to the groomers this week for a special clip and wash. She came back to St A's smelling amazing and looking fluffy! Thanks Mrs Taylor! Ziggy spent her week in the sick bay, on the playground and in the classrooms. Ziggy spent her "break time' in the office - however she is always on duty!Ziggy had another sleep over at her secondary carers house this week and was looked after very well by the Bolton family! Mrs Rodda was very happy to see Ziggy back at school safe and sound on Thursday! Ziggy has continued to bring smiles on the faces of so many of our students this week!Term 3 Week 1Ziggy was back onsite this week after her school holiday break! She spent a special week at her secondary carers house - the Boltons and had a great time. They took her on lots of walks and spolit her! Ziggy was super happy to see her primary carer Mrs Rodda on her return.This week at school Ziggy partipated in the NAIDOC week activities. Ziggy was able to be in the hall with all of our school students! A big achievement for our dog in training! She also had a new haircut and was smelling fresh again. Thanks Mrs Taylor! She had a late night on Tuesday and even stayed for the Parent Teacher Interviews!!Ziggy focussed this week on the 3/4 students and spent lots of time in an out of their classrooms. By the end of the week she was exhausted! As she gets older she will spend more and more time in the classrooms with the students! Term 3 Week 3Our resident pup was back at St A's this week making sure that the students were well supported. It was great to see some of her secondary carers looking after to her during the day. As part of the Dogs Connect Program we have a team of staff who take on the responsibility of Ziggy throughout her work day. Miss Belinda and Miss Priscille were actively on Ziggy duty this week. We have had some happy faces when Ziggy has been out and aboout and around the school. She truly is a well loved pup!Term 3 Week 5Ziggy has learned a new command this week! Ziggy can now sit and when you ask her to "paw"- she will shake your hand!! So cute!Term 3 Week 7It was a busy week for Ziggy at St A's so many students to see and greet!Term 4 Week 1After a big school holiday rest Ziggy is back at St A's!! Ziggy Frances Augustine celebtrated her 1st Birthday at school on Thursday! The whole school sang Happy birthday to her! What a lucky pooch!!Ziggy spent time in Grade 2C with the students and is learning to be off her lead in the classrooms!Mrs Taylor took Ziggy for a much new fur cut! Before: After: Term 4 Week 2Ziggy was back on duty this week - with her new fur cut and her positive attitude she was right amongst all of the St A's action. She spent the morning in Grade 2cC with the students and Mrs Cust.Ziggywas also being very productive helping Mrs Rodda with her work!! What a clever puppy! Term 4 Week 4This week at school Ziggy found her bark!! Can you believe that. As part of her training its important that our resident puppy does not bark at all the people around her - so this week we have spent time teaching her how to greet people that she is unfamiliar with! Ziggy is a clever pup and soon worked out what to do!Term 4 Week 5This week Ziggy was the most well behaved puppy! She was straight on duty the moment she was onsite. Ziggy spent some time in sick bay with some of the students. Ziggy just knows what she needs to do to comfort the students and make them feel a bit better. Ziggy was out and about in classrooms and was made to feel very specicial by all of the students. Ziggy Frances Augustine is so loved at our school!Christamas and Holidays 2023/2024Ziggy had a well deserved break over the holidays. She spent alot of time swimming in the pool as well as playing with her resident Kitty Cat Missy and went on lots of runs and walks. Ziggy in her down time really enjoys being a normal everyday puppy!!Term 1 Week 1 2024Ziggy is back on duty after being well rested over the holidays. She was introduced to the new preps for the first time and they all oved seeing her wagging her tail. The preps learnt about how we speak to Ziggy and what we need to do when she comes into their classroom. When Ziggy is doing the right thing, we continue to encourage her and scratch her under the chin and say 'Yesssss". The preps really enjoyed this!Term 1 Week 5 2024Ziggy was back on patrol this week, visiting all of the classrooms. She spent some time in sick bay with a few students with injuris and enjoyed her rest time in the office.
Term 2 Week 1 2024Today was school photo day! Ziggy waited very patiently for her turn! Term 2 Week 5 2024Ziggy was warmly welcomed today by lots of the St A's students who were very excited to see her after the holiday break. This week at St A's Ziggy needed another dog cut! Mrs Taylor took her to the groomers! Mrs Taylor has been working hard with Ziggy and making sure that she is up to date with her training!Term 2 Week 9 2024Can you belive that Ziggy was answering the phones at school this week! She is really is a versatile well being dog!! Term 3 Week 3 2024Ziggy has been training as part of her dogs connect program and has been working with the Grade 5/6's. Ziggy is an important part of our school community and we need to make sure that her well being and needs are met as well. All of our students understand about this and recognise when Ziggy needs a break!Term 3 Week 4 2024Ziggy was busy this week!Term 3 Week 6 2024Ziggy spends alot of her time helping our students when they need some additional support. Mrs Taylor and Ziggy hang out in the Wellbeing room and students come and visit Ziggy when they need a little extra support and time out of the classroom. Ziggy loves going or walks around the oval with our students!